Friday, August 21, 2009

old proverb:

don't move
to the desert
if you don't like
low humidity.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

when viewing the Universe -
a mathematician sees a series equations;
a poet sees a string theory of words;
a burglar sees breaking possibilities;
a preacher sees a sea of souls to save;
a trucker sees a map to conquer.

all for One;
One for all.

(jo bo, 2009)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cactus Ed

Quote of the Day -

"Keep America beautiful.
Grow a beard.
Take a bath.
Burn a billboard."

Edward Abbey


Monday, August 10, 2009

Letter to the editor, Iron Mountain News:

Somebody nice patriot snuck across the fence
into Historic Patchwork Farms,
recently bulldozed to make way
for garden homes (no garden),
Olympic-sized spa, soccer fields.

They altered the site's proud sign -
beacon of growth and progress;
changed it to say:
This was a pretty place -
YOU ruined it

To that patriot, I want to say,
"Thank you!"

Miss Lizzie
August, 2009


Sunday, August 9, 2009

27 million Americans
every day.

very depressing.

(ji bo, 2009)


T-shirt de jour:

"Don't blame me,
I voted
for Willie Nelson."


Saturday, August 8, 2009

is the hand
of one

Saturday, August 1, 2009

"this land is your land
this land is my land..."

unless you are Hopi, Navajo,
Lakota, Black Feet, Crow,
Cherokee, Seminole, Cheyenne,
Choctaw, Apache.......

if all Wall-Marts were "relocated"
to Shopping Reservation in desert,
camouflage-clad suburbanites
take up arms
their evil

in the Land of Opportunity.

(neckbone, 2009)
