Tuesday, March 31, 2009

pine tree
violet waterfall -


in 8 million years:

no more human beings, no more motorcycles
no more soap operas, no more food stamps
no more fluoride tooth paste, no more income taxes
no more psychiatrists, no more defense budget
no more exhaust pipes, no more salvation.

in 8 minutes:

"We interrupt this program for a word from outer space.
Commander of space ship hovering above New York City
sends greetings from Xenon 5. In one hour we will fill ship
with all remaining oil on planet Earth.
Have a nice day!"

(ji bo, 2009)


the Dalai Lama
preaches compassion,
even to his bodyguards.


when in Paris, visit Eiffel Tower
when in Rome, visit Pope
when in London, visit Queen
when in Tokyo, visit $40 hamburger
when in Las Vegas, visit slot machine
when in Liverpool, visit Beatles
when in Bangkok, visit sex parlor
when in Los Angeles, visit game show
when in bed, visit dreams
when in dream, visit subconscious
when in subconscious, visit Sigmund Freud
when tired of travel - congratulations!

(ji bo, 2009)

step aside -
full moon.


hands of clock
don't know
what time it is.


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