Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Life is the thing; everything is in it,
and life is movement." Auguste Rodin


July 15

"pulled in a Chevron in Arab. Had
actual (real) flowers in the restroom.
Miss Lizzie about fell out - praised
the lady behind the counter - nobody
has real flowers anymore.
And in Arab!

(from Journal of the Neckbone, 2006)


haiku written in commemoration
of moon watching, May 9, 2006

old leather


bird sits in tree
sees man pushing
loud lawn mower.

bird flies in circle
lands on man's shoulder.
man stops lawn mower,
says, "what do you want?
bird says, "big secret -
stock market crash tomorrow!"

man walks inside
calls stock market,
says, "sell everything!"

next day:

stock market
goes up 1,000 points.
man very angry,
walks outside, sees bird,
no more advice!"

bird flaps wings,
says, "no more lawn mower!"

(ji bo, 2009)


Monday, May 25, 2009

TV murder No. 4325
The Evening News
Blood Simple
Barnaby Jones
Night Line
Make My Day
Saturday cartoons
Zapruder re-runs

(neckbone, 2006)


astronaut flies rocket ship
to moon,
sits in crater, waiting
for cosmic vision.

one month later:
astronaut receives message
from NASA -

"Houston to Apollo,
you are directed
to build 1st McDonald's
on site of future Lunar City.

astronaut points rocket ship
at Crab Nebulae -
into Deep Space.

(ji bo, 2009)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

all winter
for one
in the snow.

(neckbone, 2009)


to fall
reading -


sit on couch
look out window
count leaves on trees:
1,321,087 leaves

sky boot heavy
not yet ready
to rain.

how many rain drops
in one cloud?
small cloud: 892, 303 drops
big cloud: 5, 712, 654 drops.

sun falls asleep
western glow
stars blink
ink blot space.

how many stars
in galaxy?
12, 582, 395, 187 stars.

how many galaxies?
how many stars?
how many moons?
how many minutes?

just one Universe?

(ji bo, 2009)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

moon samadhi -
to core
by autumn light.

(for Rengetsu)


old proverb

a bird in hand
is bad
for bird.


planet Earth

oldest species - bacteria
newest species - computer
smartest species - cockroach
fastest species - photon
slowest species - mountain
loudest species - politician
deadliest species - mosquito
funniest species - clown

unknown species - other side of black hole

(ji bo, 209)


Friday, May 22, 2009

middle of road
snapping turtle;
put in beer cooler,
reborn on mud flats
of iron mountain.


when hungry
eat noodle bowl;
when thirsty
drink green tea;
when tired
go to sleep;
when happy
laugh with world;
when lonely
call friend;
when bored
get on airplane;
go to desert
talk to cacti

(ji bo, 2009)


there goes
old "flying legs"
in his haste
to deliver
the mail.

(for Hakuin's Daimyo Procession
Passing Mount Fuji


Thursday, May 21, 2009

global warming

is global warming
is planet Earth
is Empire State Building
is Great Wall of China
is bottom of ocean
is Hubble Telescope
is Black Hole
is Universe

turn off TV
work in garden
drink tea with friends.
no more global warming.

(ji bo, 2009)


old proverb

dusty mirrors
no flaws.


late night
ghost -


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

girl wakes up
walks through house
in underwear.
"smells like bacon
in here," she says.

mind is everything.

(neckbone, 2009)


dog barks at shadow.
shadow says, "don't blame me!"

dog barks at cloud.
cloud says, "just passing by!"

dog barks at Albert Einstein.
Einstein says, "bark is relative!"

dog barks at Buddha.
Buddha says, "bark is empty."

dog quits barking
wags tail.

shadow disappears
cloud disappears
Albert Einstein disappears
Buddha disappears
dog disappears.

no problem.

(ji bo, 2009)


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

crazy Bodhisattva

don Quixote attacks windmill.
windmill turns into dragon -
big problem.
don Quixote gets off horse,
opens bottle of wine;
dragon says, "bottoms up!"

don Quixote drinks wine
salutes dragon,
puts plate on head,
rides into cloud.

10,000 years later:

don Quixote flies spaceship,
attacks asteroids,
eats Martian cheese,
drinks Plutonian wine,
wears nuclear belt buckle,
speaks 300 languages.

although sentient beings
are numberless,
don Quixote vows
to save them.

crazy Bodhisattva.

(ji bo, 2009)


Monday, May 18, 2009

Basho's frog

Buddha is sound
Tao is sound
Universe is sound
Zero is sound

Basho's frog
jumps in
black hole:

(ji bo, 2009)


old proverb

check shoes
for dog shit
before entering home.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

the monsoons of May


front porch midnight storm
electric eyeball wonder
eardrum rumble roll
rooftop raindrop beat
sensory extravaganza

(carlo, 5-2009)


big heap rain
sounds like
like jet plane;
flash bulb - pop pop!
thunder beings
in mad rumba
shaking molecules
in all dimensions.

(neckbone, 5-09)


man has dream
swims to ancient Greece;
can speak many languages
talks to dolphins and shore birds.

man meets Aphrodite
learns art of love;
wakes up in cold sweat.
outside -
the monsoons of May.

(ji bo, 5-09)


Saturday, May 16, 2009

10 Essential Health Habits

1. hydrate
2. eat plants
3. breathe
4. relax
5. fiber space
6. keep moving
7. avoid doctors
8. anti-inflammation
9. sex
10. deep sleep

(iron mountain barefoot
doctor's manual, 2009)


sun/ink spot

dawn cracks
bloodshot eye
blind stare.

hearth god
lamp of Diogenes
the Great Metaphor
origin of Infinity.

(neckbone, 2009)


Friday, May 15, 2009

what is time?
ask nearest


girl meets stranger
aisle 3 of super market.
"hi!" says stranger.


stranger says,
"don't you remember me?"
girl's mind feels deep hole
where stranger is supposed to be.
girl says, "sure!"
stranger says,
"do you have special coupon
for potato chips?"
girl shakes head -


girl walks to car
sees clouds floating
over mountain,
decides to go to movie
escape reality.

(ji bo, 2009)


Thursday, May 14, 2009

luna moth -
one week
to mate
then die.

no last supper.


Dalai Lama comes to town
eats pizza
says, "Save Tibet!"

Pope comes to town
eats fish
says, "Save soul!"

Rumi comes to town
eats lamb chop
says, "Save love!

Lao-Tzu comes to town
eats bowl of rice
says, "Save not-saving!"

flying saucer comes to town
eats New York City
says, "Bon appetite!"

many ways to build house
many galaxies in Universe;
big menu;
please tip waiter.

(ji bo, 2009)


old proverb

grind teeth
during sleep;
wake up
with sore jaw.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Buddha opens eyes
in outer space
sees Hubble Telescope.
Buddha smiles
at telescope's big camera,
says, "Cheese!"

NASA scientist looks
at computer,
sees new picture
from Hubble Telescope:
very hard to understand;
a constellation of laughing stars?

NASA holds conference.
world leaders argue
over new picture.

"Its is exploding space gas," says Russian cosmonaut.
"Looks like Picasso painting," says New York Times art critic.
"Must be trick of light," says Diogenes.
"It is face of God," says TV preacher.
"We can not be sure what it is," says agnostic guru.
"It is easily described by mathematics," says Pythagoras.
"It is your mind," says Hui-Neng.

Buddha closes eyes -
Hubble Telescope disappears.

(ji bo, 2009)


girl eats dragon
bone -


tail end
of long Spring -
another inch
of rain.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

ancient zen koan

after shouting "God bless the molecules!"
Tao Shan sat in meditation and passed
from this life.

Po Shih said, "Why didn't the Old Fool
keep his mouth shut?"

Question: Who's mouth was open?


inside: skeleton
outside: wind & trees.
inside: ideas
outside:barking dog.
inside: big dreams
outside: volcano.
inside: nervous system
outside: Indra's net.
inside: mind
outside: zero.

eat banana.
go to school
learn ABC's.
swim in ocean
talk to fish.

end of life

(ji bo, 2009)


who cut off
van Gogh's ear?


Monday, May 11, 2009

later - today
visit garden
for company.


vast emptiness
moonlit night -


old dogs

can learn
new tricks;
takes longer,
dog ends up

(neckbone, 2007)

ancient proverb:

can be


Sunday, May 10, 2009

helium balloon flies
toward distant planet
looking forward
to meeting
new friends.

(neckbone, 2009)


go to cemetery,
count gravestones;
look at sky,
count stars.

feel toes inside


(ji bo, 2009)


full moon
milky eye
into infinite

Saturday, May 9, 2009

black cube
soothing goo -
chocolate cake!


talk radio says, "listen to me;
I am Big opinion."
TV says, "listen to me;
I am King of culture."
computer says, "listen to me;
I am Information Age."
billboard says, "listen to me;
I am fashion statement."
religion says, "listen to me;
I am one & only Truth."
government says, "listen to me;
I am Voice of people."

planet Earth says, "listen to wind,
sea, plants, animals, insects, clouds,
stars, Universe."

(ji bo, 2009)


Friday, May 8, 2009

old stone
new stone
empty fields

moon breaks clouds
floats away.


flock of crows
at enemy
only they can see.


one false truth
and galaxies


nothing new to tell -
don't say


Thursday, May 7, 2009

man with umbrella runs
down garden path -
rain dance.

one red flower
explodes -

a caterpillar
leaps over -

inside -
a pot
of tea.


man drives down road
sees wild goose;
man watches goose.
goose turns head
sees man.

man and goose

(ji bo, 2009)


"sama sama"

to simplify planet
invent new language:
verbs - red
nouns - green
modifiers - blue.

borrow from all cultures -
best words.
pictographs welcome!

free sample:

hsin song
√ = §3f

(ji bo, 2009, from idea: Nanao Sakaki)


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

another inch
of rain -
even the birds
are soggy.


inside one worm

(ji bo, 2009)'


The impossible
is always



Tuesday, May 5, 2009

to survive in modern world
pat taxes;
to become rich businessman
ignore Bible;
to meet Buddha-nature
unplug motor-mind;
to live long life
practice kung fu;
to become immortal
study I-Ching;
to ascend to Heaven
use magic ladder.

in case of emergency
call nearest guru
ask for daily special.

(ji bo), 2009)


eat candy:
is candy sweet
or is tongue sweet?


lunar vacation

crescent moon
fish hook eye
ice sickle
space debris
orbital mirror
beacon lantern
TV star.

one small step for NASA
one giant leap
for space suit monkey.

(ji bo, 2009)

Monday, May 4, 2009

burglar breaks into house
steals computer
goes home
turns computer on.

computer screen says,
"Welcome to Apple's new GPS
anti-theft software!"

burglar's door bell rings:
ding dong!
burglar wonders -
who is it?

computer says,
"When you hear sound
of doorbell,
you will know
Police have arrived.

(ji bo, 2009)


I've absorbed so much
already; but
it's only the beginning!

(Miss Lizzie, 2009)


out of Great Void
atomic snowflakes -
hail storm!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

telephone blues #1

phone rings
during zen meditation:
alien from outer space says,
"special offer - free trip to Pluto!"

counting breath:
1,2,3,4,5, etc.
alien from outer space says,
"sex kitten awaits you in distant galaxy!"

watching thoughts
float like clouds.
alien from outer space says,
"cheap liposuction on Plant Xenon!"

get up from cushion
turn on TV
watch movie
about alien from outer space.

(ji bo, 2009)


old proverb

only fear when life threatened
only laugh when life funny
only cry when life sad
only argue when life cruel
only die when life finished.


Columbus discovers Antarctica

wrong turn at Tierra del Fuego
blue fields of infinity
penguin says, "Welcome to South Pole!"

(ji bo, 2009)


Saturday, May 2, 2009

after 100 years
gate of dam opened
for fish migration.

1 million fish
quit bashing nose
against concrete.

U.S. Government proclaims
"Big breakthrough for science!"

fish proclaim -
"What took so long?"

(neckbone, 2009)


Hui-Neng says:
"from the first
not a thing is."

empty talk.


old proverb:

if, at first,
one cup of tea
does not succeed,
drink another!


if good luck - win jackpot
if bad luck - lose job
if good karma - find nirvana
if bad karma - become hungry ghost
if good weather - work in garden
if bad weather - read detective novel
if good medicine - feel better
if bad medicine - call doctor.

yin/yang soufflé.

(ji bo, 2009)


Friday, May 1, 2009

when driving Interstate 40
please beware of cows
eating Oklahoma.

(neckbone, 2009)


Benjamin Franklin flies kite
discovers big shock -
Universe is alive!

(ji bo, 2009)


ride bicycle downtown
inhale thoughts.
swim in ocean
exhale thoughts.
eat in restaurant
digest thoughts.
visit funeral parlor
bury thoughts.

(jo bo, 2009)


zen master hears news:
"swine flu epidemic,
world in big trouble."

zen master turns off TV,
says, "to save world,
no more shaking hands!"

zen master puts on robe,
walks outside,
bows to Universe.

(ji bo, 2009)